Inspection results are sent via the supplied email address to the contractor responsible for trade. If an email address is not supplied, no result will be sent. Inspection results can also be found through our online permitting system.
Work shall not be done beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the inspector. When notified, the inspector will perform the requested inspections and will either indicate the portion of the construction that is approved, or will notify the permit holder or an agent of the permit holder by email. All items not in compliance shall not be covered or concealed until corrected and authorized by the code enforcement official. Once work has been approved, it shall not be altered or changed in any way without further approval of the inspector.
Informal Review Process and Policy:
If you are unclear about or disagree with decisions made by a field inspector you may request an informal review of the decision without fear of retribution.
If we are not able to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, a request for a code interpretation will be made by the department to the appropriate code consultant with the North Carolina Office of the State Fire Marshal.
Their decision or direction will be considered binding unless the permit holder wishes to appeal the matter directly to the NC Building Code Council.