Accessibility Tools
Alamance County has offices spread throughout the county, representing the departments that provide services to the citizens. You can find maps to these locations and basic contact information over the following pages.
Please note that the maps provided on the following pages are provided to Alamance County and its citizens by an external source and are approximate. You should contact the department or facility you’d like to visit for more accurate directions.
Resources to learn how Alamance County government functions
Whether you’re here to live, learn, or do business, whether you’re new to the area or just visiting, Alamance County is a great place to be!
We have several services on our website or hosted through other services that are available for you to interact with. These services include:
Our primary switchboard number is 336-228-1312.
If you’d like to contact us via e-mail, telephone, or in person, each of our department pages should have the contact information you need.
If you have technical questions about our website and prefer to use e-mail, please contact our county webmaster at webmaster[at]alamancecountync[dot]gov.
Effective April 1, 2013, North Carolina law will require that an owner (or, as typical with permit applications, the contractor on their behalf) appoint a lien agent when they first contract for improvements to real property. A lien agent is a title insurer or agent also registered as a lien agent with the NC Department of Insurance. In accordance with North Carolina General Assembly Session law 2012-158, Inspection Departments are not allowed to issue any permit where the project cost is $30,000 or more unless the application is for improvements to an existing dwelling that the applicant uses as a residence OR the property owner has designated a lien agent and provided the inspections office with the agent’s name, address (mailing and physical) telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address
Liens NC is arranging a simple website ( that allows for a form to be printed and submitted with the permit application to satisfy the new requirements of SL2012-158.
Inspections Department Hours of OperationHours of Operation: M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM(Except Holidays)
Permits Issued: 8:00AM-4:30PM
Inspections Department Location201 West Elm StreetGraham, NC 27253Phone: 336-290-0404Fax: 336-570-6310